As we enter the holiday season, stressors can arise that impact our mental health. With less time to manage self-care and implement coping skills, there is a tool within us that can help ease the holiday strain: our vagus nerve. The vagus nerve is one of the longest nerves in our body and when activated, it triggers our parasympathetic nervous system, which counteracts the “flight-or-fight” responses brought on by stress. Thus, knowing how to increase our “vagal tone” effectively helps to lower those stress hormones and calms the nervous system.
So, what are some ways we can balance our vagal tone?
- Deep Breathing: Box Breathing is one of the most effective ways to get a condensed version of breath-work in. Simply inhale for 4 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds, hold for 4 seconds and repeat as needed.
- Cold Exposure: In moments of increased anxiety and stress, a cold splash of water on your face, through your hands, or a shower if possible can stimulate the vagus nerve and relax the nervous system.
- Singing/Humming: There’s something to the “Oms” in yoga that is tied to the physical location of our vagus nerve. Any form of humming, singing, or chanting activates the vagus nerve as it is connected to our vocal chords and the back of our throat.
When you activate your vagus nerve, you’re essentially sending your body messages that it’s ok and it’s time to relax. Applying these tips can bring a sense of ease throughout the holiday season.